Arjuno Welirang – Hundreds of professors, academics, students and civil society activists gathered at the University of Indonesia (UI) Salemba campus in Jakarta on Thursday February 27 to issue the "Second Salemba Call, Free Indonesia from Darkness".
Documents containing the term 'civil society'

Farid Nurhakim, Jakarta – Not only have they come from inside the country, but statements of support for the Dark Indonesia (#IndonesiaGelap) actions have also come from Indonesian students studying overseas.

Jakarta – A wave of demonstrations involving students and civil society organisations titled "Dark Indonesia" took place in a number of regions, including Jakarta, between Monday February 17 and Friday February 21.

Protesters began gathering at Taman Ismail Marzuki (TIM) arts and cultural centre in Cikini on Friday afternoon, February 21, ahead of the climax of the Dark Indonesia actions at the Horse Statue in Central Jakarta.

Jakarta – "Dark Indonesia" (Indonesia Gelap) student actions have again hit the streets on Thursday February 20 in a number of regions around the country after the first, second and third day of demonstrations on Monday February 17, Tuesday February 18 and Wednesday February 19.

Jakarta – The demonstration titled "Dark Indonesia" (Indonesia Gelap) in front of the Malang city Regional House of Representatives (DPRD) in East Java descended into chaos on Tuesday February 18 when protesters managed to break down the parliament's front gate

Jakarta – The All Indonesia Student Executive Council (BEM SI) is holding a marathon of simultaneous actions in different regions of Indonesia from Monday February 17 through to Wednesday February 19. The theme being taken up at the demonstrations is "Dark Indonesia" (Indonesia Gelap).

Jakarta – Transparency International Indonesia (TII) says that the three point increase in Indonesia's Corruption Perception Index (CPI) score from 34 to 37 does not mean anything significant.

Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition has criticised a plan to give more authority to law enforcement institutions such as the National Police (Polri) and the Prosecutors Office, as well as the Indonesian Military (TNI), through three draft laws (RU

Jayapura – The Bintang Highlands High School and University Student Association (IMPPETANG) together with the Bintang Highlands community held a peaceful demonstration calling for the TNI (Indonesian Military) and Polri (Indonesian Police) to be withdrawn from Bintang Highlands regency.

Sucipto, Jakarta – The Civil Society Coalition has highlighted a statement by the chairperson of the National Defence Council (DPN) and Minister of Defence Sjafrie Sjamsoeddin who stated that the DPN could take on a role in controlling forest areas, especially violations of the la

Rahel Narda Chaterine, Ardito Ramadhan, Bogor – TNI (Indonesian Military) Commander General Agus Subiyanto has revealed that village supervisory non-commissioned officers (Babinsa) will be mobilised to oversee the sale of three kilogram liquid petroleum gas

Larius Kogoya, Jayapura – The Indonesian government still has outstanding issues of resolving cases of human rights (HAM) including in the land of Papua.

Samsir, Jakarta – The Legal Aid Institute for the Press (LBH Pers) has sharply criticised President Prabowo Subianto who they consider to have belittled the role of journalists at plenary cabinet meeting on January 22.

Salsabilla Azzahra Octavia, S. Dian Andryanto, Jakarta – Kamisan (Thursday) actions have entered their 18th year. For 18 years, the demands for justice have continued to be voiced by families of victims of human rights violations (HAM) and humanitarian activists every Thursday in fr

As reported on its website, the Batam Free Trade Zone Authority (BP Batam) held a coordination meeting with the Wira Pratama 033 Sub-Regional Military Command (Korem) on Monday January 13.

Jakarta – Indonesia Corruption Watch (ICW) has reported the alleged doxing of ICW researcher Diky Anandya to the National Police (Polri) Criminal Investigations Directorate (Bareskrim) Cyber Crimes Unit.

The Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) is reminding Forestry Minister Raja Juli Antoni and President Prabowo Subianto about the Forestry Ministry's plan to open 20 million hectares of land under the pretext of supporting food and energy security.

Jakarta – The official website belonging to the Indonesian Legal Aid Foundation (YLBHI) was hacked and the home page changed to a display of an online gambling site on Monday January 6.

Wahyu Prakoso, Esposin, Solo – Students who are members of the Greater Solo Student Executive Council (BEM) Alliance and civil society activists held a demonstration in the Gladak area of Solo, Central Java, on Saturday afternoon December 28 to reject the planned value added tax (VAT) increase.